Wilmslow Guild Players

The Importance of Being Earnest

by Oscar Wilde

`It is a terrible thing for a man to find out suddenly that all his life he has been speaking nothing but the truth'

`All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That is his.'
Have you ever fancied `Bunburying'?

Have you ever invented another persona to enable you to get out of relatives' clutches? If you have, or have wanted to, then you have a lot in common with our two heroes.

If you have tried to form an attachment to a young man that others may think unworthy then you have a lot in common with our heroines.

Take a mother anxious to marry her daughter off to a suitable `match', a prim governess who has a very romantic streak, a country parson who needs persuading that he is indeed a good catch and some servants who know when they are exploited but are better off than their peers, and you have the cast for our latest production.

Add to that some of the best loved lines in English literature, a little confusion and a great deal of fun. Written and performed for the first time exactly a hundred years ago in Victorian London, it retains a freshness and rebellion against conventional order clear to see even in these liberal days.


Thursday 23rd March 1995, 7.45pm
Friday 24th March 1995, 7.45pm
Saturday 25th March 1995, 2.00pm
Saturday 25th March 1995, 7.45pm

Photo Gallery
